Create branded short URLs very quickly without any technical issues.
You can quickly register a domain name with your brand and you will be set up in a few minutes!
If you purchase a domain with Rebrandly, all the configurations will be handled by us and you won't have to do anything except start creating custom links with your brand!
Register a domain with your brand NOW!
If you want to have a clear idea of who manages domain registration, read this short article which clarifies who the interlocutors are and how you can easily make branded short URLs.
Registrar, registry, reseller, registrant, who are they and what is the difference?
Registrar (Tucows, Godaddy, NameCheap)
A Registrar (or a Domain Name Registrar) is an organization like GoDaddy, Google Domains, NameCheap or Tucows, accredited by ICANN that has control over the granting of domains within certain TLDs (Top Level Domains, like the generic .com/.ue/.org/.net or country-specific .ie/.us/.it).
Registry (The official domains DB)
The Registry is the official DB that registrars have shared access to. Each registrar writes new names to a central registry database, from which the authoritative root (essentially, a table of all domain names on the Internet) is built.
Reseller (Rebrandly)
A Reseller is a third-party company that offers domain name registration services through a registrar. Rebrandly is a domain reseller and when you purchase a domain with Rebrandly all the DNS configurations will be automatically set in order to use your URL shortener services smoothly.
Registrant (You or your company)
A Registrant is a person or company that purchases a domain name. For example, John Smith (Registrant) registers the domain name “” through (Reseller) or through (Registrar) who in turn writes the name to the central database (Registry).
This Article is About:
- Register a domain for branded short URL
- The difference between a registry, a registrar, a reseller and a registrant
- What is the role of a registrar or a reseller
See Also:
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